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Dust Allergies? How to Rid Your Home from Allergens and Nasty Chemicals in the Air
And there is one textile above all others where this is especially important. The sheets of your bed, where you spend one-third of your life. By equipping it with healthy bedding, you'll create a c...

Indigo belongs to a family of 140 leafy green plants with 4 of them often being used for dyeing. The dyeing process usually requires a complicated oxidation process which turns the green leaves int...

Yucky Chemicals in Fashion You Should Avoid
What is certain is, a lot of brands use potential cancer-causing and skin-irritating chemicals in their clothing. And let's be clear, the reason is not style or looks, it’s because these chemical...

Things to Know Before Putting On That $9 Shirt
Have a seat. Seriously, for what you're just about to read you might want to sit down. And make yourself a green smoothie while you're at it. Heck, you might even want to get naked. Polyester is th...

5 Changes You Can Make Today to Sleep Better
For something that we do every day and is essential to our well-being, surprisingly few pay attention to how they sleep. But better sleep makes for a better life. And here's how you'll achieve it.