What's Up with Organic Cotton and Plastic Pollution?

What's Up with Organic Cotton and Plastic Pollution?

#PlasticFreeJuly is a global movement encouraging the reduction of plastic use and waste. While many associate plastics with bottles and bags, the textile industry is a major contributor to plastic...

5 Ways to Make Your Bedroom Healthier an Island of Health - AIZOME (North America)

5 Ways to Make Your Bedroom Healthier an Island of Health

What if we told you that by making small changes to your bedroom, you could create a healthy, sustainable space, improve the quality of your sleep, and even help reduce your monthly energy bills?

How A Synthetic-free Sleep Mask Can Improve Your Sleep - AIZOME (North America)

How A Synthetic-free Sleep Mask Can Improve Your Sleep

Consider how wonderful it would be if the known benefits of a sleep mask were combined with the soothing experience of plant-dye that has proven antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, along wi...

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4 Bedding Tips That Make Your Bed a Safe Haven - AIZOME (North America)

4 Bedding Tips That Make Your Bed a Safe Haven

The skin is filled with tiny holes called pores which make absorption and evaporation really easy. This means, whatever our skin touches whether clothes or beddings, it absorbs the chemicals presen...

Wash It Right! What to Know About Detergents - AIZOME (North America)

Wash It Right! What to Know About Detergents

The massive amounts of chemicals of various sorts that make up the ingredient list of laundry detergents aren't just bad for you, they're terrible for the environment as well, and not just in terms...