Stop Touching Your Face
During one day your hands touch a lot of dirty things, but one thing they should definitely not touch is your face. Touching your face can spread dirt, oil, and bacteria from your hands to your face and thus it can cause e.g. breakouts. The problem is that most of this happens subconsciously, we touch our faces a whopping 23 times per hour. So the best thing is you let a friend, parent, colleague, or your partner (whoever you spent a lot of time with) know and ask them to remind you. If this does not work, here are some additional tips that can help you to stop touching your face.
Keep Hydrated
64% of your skin is water which constantly evaporates through 5 million pores helping your skin to regulate body temperature, flush away toxins and carry nutrients to the skin’s cells so that you don't dry up and discard irritants. So replenish that generously with moisturizer, warm showers… but most important with drinking a lot of water! When you love coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks you may dry your water reserves even faster. Here is a simple tip: Every time you get a coffee, also get a cup of water of the same size. And for every alcoholic drink you get, also get water. The latter is not only a good tip for staying hydrated but also reducing hangovers. Try it, and let us know if it worked for you.
Use Sunscreen (daily)
The sun gives you a lot of vitamin D and is therefore good for your mood and health. But, be careful, as the world is getting hotter, so protect yourself by wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen doesn’t only reduce the risk of getting sunburned, but it also decreases the signs of aging, the danger of skin cancer, skin discoloration and the possibility of inflammation. But please keep the environment in mind and use e.g. for summer vacation at the ocean reef-friendly lotions.
Use Organic Laundry Detergent
From cradle to deathbed your skin is touching textiles. Washing them is a must, but while you are doing so, consider that the detergents you are using can hold harmful ingredients, such as harmful dyes and optical brighteners which end up in your waste water and also remain on the textile which you are wearing. So, choose a detergent that is organic and free of things that are bad for your skin and the environment. Here you can find some more information on that topic and product recommendations. Not only will this remove these nasty chemicals from your skin and touch textiles, but also reduce water pollution.
Get Enough Rest
These days a lot of people are struggling with stress. Side Effects are not only emotional but also your body carries them out. For example, your skin suffers a lot. Read here more about how stress affects your skin. But how to counteract this? There is one powerful stress reducer called sleep! Sleeping enough and well calms and restores the body for more power and a better mood. Treat your sleep time like a holy ritual and avoid things that reduces the quality of your sleep. An easy things to stop is using a mobile devices in bed or before you sleep. Doctors recommend that you don’t use your mobile phone at least 30-60 minutes before going to bed.
Use Better Bedding
You and your skin need a lot of rest, and as ⅓ of your life is happening on your pillow, make sure your pillow is not causing breakouts, irritations or fictions.
- The golden rule: don’t use polyester covers, use cotton, silk or linen instead and in best case make it 100% organic so there aren't residual pesticides in it.
- For really sensitive skin use undyed or naturally dyed fabrics, because synthetic color is just another chemical.
- Look inside - an old pillow can be home to a lot of tiny little bugs that poop and crawl and can cause irritation. Again, the key here is to not have plastic or other synthetics filling inside your pillow. You cannot trust every label or certificate, but they are a good indication. Use your common sense to determine what your bedding is made of: if it smells like plastics and feels like plastics, it probably is.
Of course not everybody can easily afford expensive bedding. But consider how many hours you will be spending in your bed and break down whatever the cost is by night spent - you will see it's worth it.
To sum up: don't touch, hydrate, use sunscreen, organic detergent, have a rest and choose good sleep textiles. But also, do not stress too much. Skin is changing over time. You are always beautiful.
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