Press Release

ADF Web Magazine: "AIZOME industrial textile wastewater is so clean that is certified as a skin care product"

ADF Web Magazine: "AIZOME industrial textile wastewater is so clean that is certified as a skin care product"

AIZOME’s Industrial Textile Wastewater Turned Skincare: A Sustainable Revolution

ADF Web Magazine recently published an article highlighting AIZOME's innovative approach to sustainability by transforming industrial textile wastewater into a skincare product.

Read the full article here.

ADF Web Magazine mentions that AIZOME is pioneering a new era of sustainability by using its wastewater to create WASTECARE™, a premium skincare product. This zero-impact product is a testament to AIZOME's commitment to clean manufacturing. 

"Even our waste is good for you," states the campaign, emphasizing the company's use of natural dyeing processes and avoidance of toxic chemicals.

Why This Press Release Is Special

This press release is notable due to its feature in ADF Web Magazine, a reputable outlet focused on design and innovation. ADF’s recognition underscores the importance of AIZOME’s eco-friendly initiatives in the global design community, particularly highlighting their groundbreaking efforts in sustainable textile production and waste management.

Read the full article on ADF Web Magazine here.

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